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Mehana \The Old House\ is located in Maidstone, United Kingdom on 29 Lower Stone St. Mehana \The Old House\ is rated 4.5 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in United Kingdom.
Good restaurant especially if you like Bulgarian cuisine. It is really spacious inside. it is a lot of fun to visit not only for the food ,but for the great night out. After certain hour it becomes almost like a nightclub ,but with food :)) It's amazing
Traditional at its core this Bulgarian restaurant transports the customer to the fringes of Eastern Europe with its hospitality and themed interior. Being a foreigner to its plethora of dishes I wished the menu came with pictures to make my selection easier. If you do go for a main be sure to go for the sizzling satch. It’s served smoking hot, a meat dish for 2 persons, with a selection of veggies and cheese topping this hearty dish. All food was freshly prepared, but lacked attention to detail. Value, Mehana offers in spades and portion size will suit anyone with a big appetite.
A Bulgarian Restaurant in Maidstone. I took my super duper Susan from Aylesham there. In a word, outstanding. Just go!
Tasty and good looking food, big portions, nice rustic atmosphere and friendly staff.
Good place where you can make a good memories. Food was delicious. Staff were friendly and amazing. The vibe there is the best.
Mehana \The Old House\
29 Lower Stone StMaidstoneME15 6LHUnited Kingdom
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